
Arada Canyon: the most fun adventure in the Red Sea?

Arada Canyon: the most fun adventure in the Red Sea?

Spectacular, adventurous and off the beaten track, Arada Canyon is one of the best day trips in the Red Sea. You do need a guide, but it’s a private tour, so you don’t need to worry about crowds. We’re sharing everything you need to know about visiting, including how difficult it is, and what to combine it with to create the perfect full day adventure.

Mount Sinai: the magic of climbing Moses Mountain at sunset

Mount Sinai: the magic of climbing Moses Mountain at sunset

Every tour to Mount Sinai is the same: start at 11pm, arrive at sunrise and finish by 9am - a pretty exhausting undertaking. We’re here to tell you that not only can you do this for sunset, but it’s by far the better way to experience this amazing trail. No crowds, better views and a far more enjoyable way of retracing the footsteps of Moses to the top of Mount Sinai.